Russels Lof

Weekly Photo Challenge: vibrant


How vibrant can a creature be…?!


These little fellows (and gals) aren’t only vibrant of color, but as much by character.
After having been with them for a while you can not be anything else but… happy!
(And you go home with a clean nose.)



See for more vibrant blogs The Daily Post

One of the entries is also about lorikeets!! See Kim’s page, who used to live on a small island off the Queensland coast of Australia where these vibrant birds also came to his house!!






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  1. Kim

    Living in Australia as I do, you really see these in the wild most places. I once lived on a small island off the Queensland coast, and everyday hundreds of them would be flying around and many would choose to sit on the railing on my deck. I too have chosen the lorikeet as my vibrant photo. Perhaps you’ll come and see once it is up. 🙂
    Best wishes from brisbane, Australia.

    • Oh how fantastic to see them around you, especially as idyllic as you describe it, living on an island and having hundreds of them flying around! Thank you for sharing this and I will most definitely come and visit your post!

    • This is in the ‘Orchideeënhoeve’ in the Netherlands, with the biggest butterfly garden of the country, an enormously variety orchids and this lorikeet garden. A bird and humans paradise 🙂

  2. Pingback: Vibrant moon | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Vibrant – WoollyMuses

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Vibrant – Do You See What I See??

        • I took the photos is in the ‘Orchideeënhoeve’ in the Netherlands, with the biggest butterfly garden of the country, an enormously variety orchids and a lorikeet garden. A really wonderful place to be for a day!

        • Kim

          That’s really cool. My best friend is Dutch, and he and his wife and baby left Australia 3 years ago for him to take up a position with a university in Amsterdam. They had lived here in Brisbane for 10 years, and plan on coming back — I just sent them the link to Orchideeënhoeve so they can go and see a reminder of Australia. 🙂

        • How nice… great idea!! It’s also not too far from A’dam but in our small country nothing really is 🙂
          I can imagine you’re looking forward to them coming back to Australia, being on the other side of the world now!!

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Vibrant | Musings of a Random Mind

  6. Goh, Lorikeets, wat een prachtig klinkende naam, en wat een gave en….. vibrante bijdrage !
    En wat een leuke reacties ook!
    Stel je voor Noortje: Op je veranda, lui onderuitgezakt in je schommelstoel, Lorikietjes overal….
    Je hoeft zo te zien, niet eens meer elkaar de krullen te tritsen, verveeld in je neus te peuteren of vertwijfeld op je kop te krabben!
    Wat mij betreft kunnen deze Lorrekiekjes direct voor de P van Puffins….
    Een heel fijn dagje natuurlijk weer… X, P én G

    • Oh dat lijkt me echt helemaal geweldig, allemaal van die lorikietjes in de achtertuin…
      Maar ik ben ook heel blij met mijn trouwe mussenfamilie hier hoor, al doen die dan niet aan facials.
      Gelukkig heb ik nu een abonnement voor de Orchideeënhoeve 🙂

  7. José

    Jammer dat we ze hier niet in het wild hebben. Ik weet niet of ik het aan zou durven om mijn gezicht te laten behandelen. Cool dat jij dat gewoon doet.

  8. Pingback: FREE button for your blog! | Ramisa the Authoress

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